Monday, March 28, 2011

Back Again

Back again, such as I am, with mostly weekly blogs. My blogs will now narrate my unsuccessful and successful business and life experiences that were actively lived over my 87 year eclectic life. e.g....Raising investment money in the UK and Europe for 6 months while ensconced at Claridge's Hotel... A fitness tip will also be included...e.g. "Walking has been found to reduce heart disease risk, balance stress hormones, raise 'good' HDL cholesterol levels, and help improve both blood pressure and blood sugar." ...Paranoia improves peripheral vision.

2 comments: said...

Bernie, not the book I've been pestering you to write but likely better since a book of your life (or at least your 70 golden years) would likely be so fat that it would intimidate most before even getting started. I look forward to next week's blog edition.

Jen Donat said...

Keep writing Bernie (aka Superman),
I love it all.