Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Upbeat in Down Beat Times

During the Depression my wonderful, genius, tough as nails immigrant father used to say in Yiddish "In America, the money is up to your knees. You just have to know how to bend down and pick it up." And he always espoused that well known saying (he did not believe in luck) that "the harder you worked, the luckier you got."

I would add that in order to "know how to bend down" you must believe in yourself. Remember, "it doesn't make any difference how many times you get knocked down. What really counts is how many times you get back up." These are difficult times for everyone emotionally and for many, financially. Belief in ourselves and those we love will see us and America through these never seen before times. May God bless everyone, and may we all have the wind at our backs and only good roads and good weather in our lives.

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